Yeh Vada Raha TV series is a drama romance series that was created by Trishula productions and produced by Vikesh Seth and Mahesh Pandey. The show is currently on its first season with the episode 7 being the latest. Yeh Vada Raha was premiered on September 21st 2015 on Zee TV and shows on every Monday at 10 pm only on Zee TV.
The show mainly revolves around two actors Survi and Kartik who happen to be brought up by single parents. Shrinkat, father to Survi, and Bhau, uncle to Kartik, are friends. Bhau, husband of Taayi, is a don. The series start when Shrinkat betrays the friendship to Bhau by helping the police trap Bhau who is shot when the police shoots his younger son. This act makes Survi and Kartik to become protagonist. Over time the brawl ends and Kartik becomes friend with Survi after Shrinkat is jailed. Kartik promises Survi's father to protect her and take responsibility of her.
Yeh Vada Raha series casts are: Ankush Aurora as Kartik, Ajay Singh as Bhau, Pankaj Vishnu as Shrinkat, Roshni Walia as Survi and Rinkur Karmarkar as Taayi.
The response so far has been amazing with many of the viewers congratulating the Trishula productions for bringing such a real show that relates to the day today life of many people. Some of the viewers have actually went ahead to show their joy of certain actors the way they have represented their roles and have given positive reviews. So, keep watching Hindi Television channels UK for more updates on the Zee TV show - Yeh Vada Raha.
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