"Lajwanti" is a new Zee TV television series that premiered on September 28. The series stars Ankita Sharma as Lajwanti, Sid Makkar as Sunderlal Bharadwaj, and Nisha Nagpal as Gunwati as the lead characters. The series is a story set in the midst of Indian-Pakistani partition. The story revolves around the turbulent love story of Lajwanti and Sunderlal who have to taste the tests of separation and their desire to find true love and happiness. In the opening scene, we see a cycling competition where Sunderlal, his friend Sarfaraz, and a British national are in competition. Sunderlal, cheats and wins, but on his way home stops and saves a girl that is about to fall into a well.
Watch Zee TV live to follow the action as it unfolds. You can also watch numerous live Hindi television channels for more television shows. Get ready to watch, enjoy the latest soaps from your favorite actors and actresses.
Watch Zee TV live to follow the action as it unfolds. You can also watch numerous live Hindi television channels for more television shows. Get ready to watch, enjoy the latest soaps from your favorite actors and actresses.
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