Zee TV live embarks on a spectacular new show - Vishkanya is coming soon. A dramatic love romance and a "poisonous maiden", as the name of the show indicates, are in the focus of the story. A girl of extraordinary skills belongs to a family unaware of her gifts. The destiny drives the main heroine to unpredictable challenges, fused with drops of mystery and touches of revenge. The girl named Debo is being cursed with widowhood and her neighbor is likely to fall in love with her. But it would be more interesting to watch if her love prevails or curse?
The producers of the show, Nissar Parvez and Alind Srivastava, together with Ankit Gupta are currently focused on the male lead in the drama. Gorgeous Rohini Banerjee has a crucial contribution for the involvement of the main heroine in the tale, and Hindi TV live is generously supporting the endeavours of the spectators to get integrated in the mystery of the story. The show promo of Zee TV drives the audience into the enigma that is pending in the air - who is Vishkanya? Watch Zee TV live and stay tuned!
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